2 Wheeler Park


So what's the deal with this motorcycle themed park? This is about one guys passion to not just create a park but to facilitate a venue where fellow riders can meet, hangout and hopefully have a good time. So… “The Plan” - Every spring, Salty Cycles LLC will host Bike Night events on 3rd Thursdays, I want Hutchinson to become a Motorcycle destination like other small communities already have in place. So how committed to this dream am I? This entire park is all funded personally by me for the sole purpose of fellowship of all those who live in the wind. Why make this huge investment? I believe in our community and the bottom line, I love people! So please support me in my efforts, lets create a Salt City ride in.

So some details about the Park

  • Over a half acre of plush grass

  • Lot is irrigated to remain green even in those hot dry Kansas summers

  • Two 50 Amp RV hookups are installed for concession trucks or what ever else vendors may need powered

  • LED Lighting is installed for those late evenings

  • Cool Landscape features of Bikes for fun. (More to come)

  • Large concrete parking surface for Bike parking, this doubles as a car lot during off hours to support Salty Cycles Auto portion.

  • We have added shrubs, flowers and other foliage to the landscape features.  

  • We have a Gazebo structure adding more options to 2 Wheeler Park .

  • 2 Wheeler Park can be rented for weddings, picnics and other private functions

There is a lot more to come for this exciting space, Keep checking back or just ride by and see the developments.

2 Wheeler Park, 134 East Sherman, Hutchinson, KS 67501